Common scam happened in Oil and gas:
Blacklisted companies for Storage Spoofing:
Ametheus maintains strict protocols to ensure safe and legitimate transactions for fuel purchases (Diesel EN590, Jet Fuel A-1) under the following conditions.
Safety Protocols:
1. Payment and Document Signing Requirements:
Buyers or their nominated shipping agents are not required to pay for signing or endorsing any documents (e.g., TTVIA, DTA, ATV) until:
- Verification of product availability.
- Positive results from the DIP test for EN590-10PPM.
#. It must be mentioned that the buyer or their nominated shipping agent will not be required to pay for signing or endorsing the TTVIA, until the verification of product availability and a positive result of the DIP test report for EN590-10PPM is obtained.
#. It must be mentioned that the buyer or their nominated shipping agent will not be required to pay for signing or endorsing the DTA, ATV , TTVA endorsement, safety insurance, DIP test charges etc until the verification of product availability and a positive result of the DIP test report for EN590-10PPM is obtained.
2. Misleading Logistics Claims:
- Statements requiring buyer payment for document endorsement, safety insurance, or DIP test charges prior to verification are not valid and may indicate fraudulent practices.
- Port authorities have no involvement in these matters, as they are strictly agreements between buyer and seller.
#. “We will not be signing, endorsing or issuing any document being it TTVIA, DTA, ETC. without payment from buyer, because signing, endorsing or issuing such will make the logistics company liable for legal action or fined by the Port Authorities.” – Its not true if seller declare that the buyer or their nominated shipping agent will not be required to pay for signing or endorsing the TTVIA, until the verification of product availability and a positive result of the DIP test report for EN590-10PPM is obtained. Port authority has nothing to do in this kind of situation as it is an understanding between the seller and buyer.
3. Commitment Fees and Scams:
- Claims requiring commitment fees (e.g., TSR payment or CPA part payment) as “industry standards” are red flags for scams.
- Logistics companies promising 100% refunds without utilization of facilities but refusing to sign or endorse documents without buyer commitment are likely fraudulent.
#. Some logistics company may say that to endorse any document from the seller, client/buyer will need to make a commitment fee as per industry standard/ procedure. They may ask either pay for TSR in the case of tank usage, or part payment for CPA. – If any logistics company say this then they are surely part of scam.
#. Some Tank Storage brokers or subleasing company can say that they are giving guarantee for 100% reviser or refund if their facilities are not utilised. They will add stating that they will be very happy to work with you and your team, but their policies and working procedure doesn’t allow them to sign, endorsed any document without a commitment from your team”
– If any logistics company say this then they are surely part of scam.
4. Dip-Test Procedures:
- DIP tests require only the DTA and should not incur charges except for SGS or equivalent company services.
- Buyers should gain terminal access permits free of charge via the seller’s tank farm.
#. Dip-Test with only DTA should not require any payment except to only SGS or equivalent company, nor requires buyer’s logistics’ endorsement. Buyer obtains port & terminal access permit through Seller’s Tank Farm free of any charge to gain access to conduct his Dip-Test.
#. We do not accept SGS to be sent to buyer’s logistics’, it should be sent directly to buyer. C.I is signed only by the buyer not engages his tank in any manner.
5. Tank Storage Rules:
- TSR is not issued prior to the DIP test. Tanks are neither extended individually nor mutually before seller approval.
- Physical ATV should be free of charge to the buyer, as no refinery provides it free; the seller covers any tank extension costs.
#. We do not give TSR prior to dip test, nor extend tank individually or mutually with the seller. Seller’s verification/approval TSA is indirect involvement of Buyer’s TSR, so no tricky engagement please.
#. Physical ATV means the re-seller has to pay minimum one day tank extension (60-80k USD) to give buyer access for physical ATV. As no refinery gives physical ATV free. So ATV has to be unconditional and free from seller’s side.
6. Reports and Documentation:
- Q&Q reports from SGS, SAYBOLT, or Intertek, along with injection reports, must be provided.
- Reports (e.g., SGS) should be sent directly to the buyer, not via buyer’s logistics.
#. Q&Q report from either SGS, SAYBOLT or Intertek and the injection report when the product was injected to the seller’s tank.
7. Buyer’s Tank Engagement:
- Buyers do not cover tank extension costs for DIP tests. Sellers must extend tanks for three days and facilitate buyer access to obtain a fresh SGS.
#. Buyer extends sellers tank for 3 days and obtain new TSR, terminal access c and permit in buyer’s name to enable buyer contact SGS for dip test in seller ta to enable buyer to have a fresh SGS. As the buyer will not cover the cost for a 3-day tank extension or send SGS or Intertek for a dip test without valid verification of the product in the tank. So, seller’s team extends the tank for 3 days to enable the buyer to conduct the dip test.
8. Authenticity of Documents:
- Only documents backed by official emails from are legitimate. Documents issued outside this domain are unauthorized and invalid.
#. If ICPO, CI or any other documents are not backed by our email from authentic domain “” then this papers were not issued by the management or executives of Ametheus.
9. Pre-Offer Checklist:
- Ensure offers are complete with quantities, prices, ports, and compliance with outlined procedures before submission. Incomplete or non-compliant offers will not be entertained.
#. Please, before sending us an offer, first ensure that it is complete, indicating quantities, prices, ports and that it meets our procedure where no any upfront hidden fees otherwise it will considered red flag SCAM. If you are NOT CLOSE to Seller, do not verify or not compare, it would be better for everyone not to send anything. We need partners, not messengers.