Freight calculation:
Truck Freight Rate Between Metros and Major Cities. Note: (Rupees per tonne for sixteen tonnes)

Tentative Container Freight:

Shipment info Port to Port Distance (nautical miles):

Cubic Meter Calculator:

Cubic meter calculator allows you to calculate volume in cubic meter. On this cubic meter calculator page you can check CBM calculation for multiple products. Also you can enter package dimensions in cm, mm, meter, inch, feet and yard.

Cubic Meter Calculator Formula

  • Length (in centimeter) X Width (in centimeter) X Height (in centimeter) / 1000000 = Cubic meter (m3)
  • We can input dimensions in Centimeter, milimeter, meter, inch, feet or yard

How to use Cubic Meter Calculator in Meter for Multiple Products?

On this calculator you can add upto 10 products to get Volume Weight in meter (m3), Volume Weight in feet(f3), Number of Packages Minimum & Maximum in Standard 20 FT Container, Number of Packages Minimum & Maximum in Standard 40 FT Container, and Number of packages Minimum & Maximum in Standard 40 FT High Cube Container.

Steps; in-case you enter dimensions in cm:

  • Length (cm) : Your package length in centimeter
  • Breadth (cm) : Your package breath in centimeter
  • Height (cm) : Your package height in centimeter
  • Weight (kg) : Your package weight in kilogram
  • Quantity : Number of packages, it only effects the Weight, Volume Weight, and shipment volume.


  • Weight kg/lbs : Shipment weight in kg/lbs
  • Volume Weight kg/lbs : Volume weight of shipment in kg/lbs
  • Volume mt3/ft3: Shipment volume in mt3/ft3
  • 20 FT min/max: Approx. minimum & maximum of packages which can be placed inside standard 20 FT container
  • 40 FT min/max: Approx. minimum & maximum number of packages which can be placed inside standard 40 FT container
  • 40 FT HC min/max: Approx. minimum & maximum number of packages which can be placed inside standard 40 FT High Cube container
  • For above calculation we had used following container dimensions
Container / Dimensions Length (cm) Width (cm) Height (cm)
20 FT Container 589 230 230
40 FT Container 1200 230 230
40 FT HIGH CUBE Container 1200 230 260


Internal dimensions
Length 5,897 mm 19 ft 4.17 in
Width 2,348 mm 7 ft 8.44 in
Height 2,390 mm 7 ft 9.90 in
Door openings
Width 2,336 mm 7 ft 8.01 in
Height 2,280 mm 7 ft 5.45 in
Max. Gross 30,480 kg (24,000 kg) 67,200 lb (52,910 lb)
Tare Max. 2,240 kg (2,290 kg) 4,940 lb (5,050 lb)
Max. Payload 28,240 kg (21,710 kg) 62,260 lb (47,860 lb)
Volume 33.0 m3 1,169 feet3
Internal dimensions
Length 12,031 mm 39 ft 5.66 in
Width 2,348 mm 7 ft 8.44 in
Height 2,390 mm 7 ft 9.90 in
Door openings
Width 2,336 mm 7 ft 8.01 in
Height 2,280 mm 7 ft 5.45 in
Max. Gross 32,500 kg (30,480 kg) 71,650 lb (67,200 lb)
Tare Max. 3,750 kg (3,770 kg) 8,270 lb (8,310 lb)
Max. Payload 28,750 kg (26,710 kg) 63,380 lb (58,890 lb)
Volume 68.0 m3 2,385 feet3(2,379)
Internal dimensions
Length 12,031 mm 39 ft 5.66 in
Width 2,348 mm 7 ft 8.44 in
Height 2,695 mm 8 ft 10.12 in
Door openings
Width 2,336 mm 7 ft 8.01 in
Height 2,585 mm 8 ft 5.75 in
Max. Gross 32,500 kg (30,480 kg) 71,650 lb (67,200 lb)
Tare Max. 3,940 kg (3,990 kg) 8,690 lb (8,880 lb)
Max. Payload 28,560 kg (26,490 kg) 62,960 lb (58,400 lb)
Volume 76.0 m3 2,689 feet3(2,684)
Internal dimensions
Length 13,555 mm 44 ft 5.68 in
Width 2,348 mm 7 ft 8.44 in
Height 2,695 mm 8 ft 10.12 in
Door openings
Width 2,336 mm 7 ft 8.01 in
Height 2,585 mm 8 ft 5.75 in
Max. Gross 32,500 kg (30,480 kg) 71,650 lb (67,200 lb)
Tare Max. 4,880 kg 10,760 lb
Max. Payload 27,620 kg (25,600 kg) 60,890 lb (56,440 lb)
Volume 86 m3 3,031 feet3
Internal dimensions
Length 5,458 mm 17 ft 10.76 in
Width 2,290 mm 7 ft 6.16 in
Height 2,262 mm 7 ft 5.06 in
Door openings
Width 2,290 mm 7 ft 6.16 in
Height 2,267 mm 7 ft 5.10 in
Max. Gross 30,480 kg (24,000 kg) 67,200 lb (52,910 lb)
Tare Max. 3,120 kg (2,960 kg) 6,880 lb (6,530 lb)
Max. Payload 27,360 kg (21,040 kg) 60,320 lb (46,380 lb)
Volume 28.0 m3 1,000 feet3
Internal dimensions
Length 11,587 mm 38 ft 0.29 in
Width 2,290 mm 7 ft 6.16 in
Height 2,539 mm 8 ft 4.00 in
Door openings
Width 2,290 mm 7 ft 6.16 in
Height 2,572 mm 8 ft 5.40 in
Max. Gross 34,000 kg (30,480 kg) 74,960 lb (67,200 lb)
Tare Max. 4,700 kg (4,800 kg) 10,360 lb (10,580 lb)
Max. Payload 29,300 kg (25,680 kg) 74,960 lb (56,620 lb)
Volume 67.0 m3 2,378 feet3
Internal dimensions
Length 11,585 mm 38 ft 0.29 in
Width 2,290 mm 7 ft 6.16 in
Height 2,527 mm 8 ft 3.49 in
Door openings
Width 2,290 mm 7 ft 6.16 in
Height 2,493 mm 8 ft 2.10 in
Max. Gross 32,500 kg (30,480 kg) 71,650 lb (67,200 lb)
Tare Max. 4,110 kg 9,060 lb
Max. Payload 28,390 kg (26,370 kg) 62,590 lb (58,140 lb)
Volume 67.0 m3 2,367 feet3
Internal dimensions
Length 5,893 mm 19 ft 4.21in
Width 2,346 mm 7 ft 8.36 in
Height 2,384 mm 7 ft 9.74 in
Door openings
Width 2,338 mm 7 ft 8.05 in
Height 2,244 mm 7 ft 4.35 in
Max. Gross 30,480 kg (24,000 kg) 67,200 lb (52,910 lb)
Tare Max. 2,320 kg (2,450 kg) 5,120 lb (5,400 lb)
Max. Payload 28,160 kg (21,550 kg) 62,080 lb (47,510 lb)
Volume 33 m3 1,155 feet3
Internal dimensions
Length 12,032 mm 39 ft 5.31in
Width 2,346 mm 7 ft 8.36 in
Height 2,381 mm 7 ft 9.74 in
Door openings
Width 2,338 mm 7 ft 8.05 in
Height 2,244 mm 7 ft 4.35 in
Max. Gross 30,480 kg 67,200 lb
Tare Max. 4,120 kg 9,080 lb
Max. Payload 26,360 kg 58,120 lb
Volume 66 m3 2,346 feet3
Internal dimensions
Length 5,958 mm 19 ft 4.17 in
Width 2,018 mm 6 ft 7.45 in
Height 2,077 mm 6 ft 9.77 in
Door openings
Max. Gross 30,480 kg 67,200 lb
Tare Max. 2,720 kg 6,000 lb
Max. Payload 27,760 kg 62,120 lb
Volume 25 m3 882 feet3
Internal dimensions
Length 11,986 mm 39 ft 3.89 in
Width 2,236 mm 7 ft 4.03 in
Height 1,968 mm 6 ft 5.48 in
Door openings
Max. Gross 45,000 kg 99,210 lb
Tare Max. 5,980 kg 13,180 lb
Max. Payload 39,020 kg 86,030 lb
Volume 53 m3 1,862 feet3

Cubic Feet Calculator:

CBM Calculator allows you to calculate volume in cubic feet. On this Cubic Feet Calculator page you can check cbm calculation for multiple products

In this Cubic Feet Calculator we have six unit of measurement for dimension Centimeter, Meter, Millimeter, Feet, Inch and Yard. For weight you can use Kilogram and Pound.

For dimension feet.inch it means you can enter feet and inch together seperating with decimal. For example 1.2 will be consider as 1 Feet and 2 Inches.


  • For example if you enter Length (in inch) X Width (in inch) X Height (in inch) / 1728 = Cubic feet (ft3)
  • You can input dimensions in Centimeter, Meter, Millimeter, Feet, Inch and Yard. For weight you can use Kilogram and Pound.

How to use CBM Calculator in Feet for Multiple Products?

On this cubic feet calculator you can add multiple products to get Volume Weight in meter (m3), Volume Weight in feet(f3), Number of Packages Minimum & Maximum in Standard 20 FT Container, Number of Packages Minimum & Maximum in Standard 40 FT Container, and Number of packages Minimum & Maximum in Standard 40 FT High Cube Container.

Steps (If dimension in inches):

  • Length (inch) : Your package length in inch
  • Breadth (inch) : Your package breath in inch
  • Height (inch) : Your package height in inch
  • Weight (lb) : Your package weight in pound
  • Quantity : Number of packages, it only effects the Weight, Volume Weight, and shipment volume.


  • Weight kg/lbs : Shipment weight in kg/lbs
  • Volume Weight kg/lbs : Volume weight of shipment in kg/lbs
  • Volume mt3/ft3: Shipment volume in mt3/ft3
  • 20 FT min/max: Approx. minimum & maximum of packages which can be placed inside standard 20 FT container
  • 40 FT min/max: Approx. minimum & maximum number of packages which can be placed inside standard 40 FT container
  • 40 FT HC min/max: Approx. minimum & maximum number of packages which can be placed inside standard 40 FT High Cube container

For above cubic feet calculator we had used following container dimensions:

Container / Dimensions Length (cm) Width (cm) Height (cm)
20 FT Container 589 230 230
40 FT Container 1200 230 230
40 FT HIGH CUBE Container 1200 230 260

Single Shipping Container Loading Calculator


Through this program user can add multiple products in single selected shipping container. CBM Calculator shows the occupied weight and volume percentage of products inside the selected shipping container. It helps user to get an estimate of number of packages of different or same product inside a shipment container. User can also print the calculation from this program. CBM Calculator provides calculation for different types of shipment containers, which are as follows

  • Standard 20 Feet Container
  • Standard 40 Feet Container
  • High Cube 40 Feet Container
  • Upgraded 20 Feet Container
  • Refer 20 Feet Container
  • Refer 40 Feet Container
  • Refer 40 Feet High Cube Container

After selecting the appropriate shipping container user can add multiple products. They can be of different dimensions or details like Weight, Volume, & Pack Quantity. For products you can add following details

  • Product
  • Description
  • Total Quantity
  • Quantity/Pack
  • Dimensions In : Inch, Feet, Meter, Cm, Mm
  • Length
  • Breadth
  • Height
  • Product Weight
  • Empty Packing Weight

Single shipping container loading calculator also calculates these following information per product added to the calculation

  • Total Number of cartons
  • Single Package Volume
  • Total Volume
  • Net Weight
  • Gross Weight

Simultaneously user get the information regarding “Total Net Weight” & “Total Gross Weight” of shipment.

How to use Single shipping container loading calculator:

  1. Calculation #: It is the specific number you can give to the calculation. For example you can use 1 for your very first calculation.
  2. Calculation Date: By default it is the current date, but user can change it as per the requirement
  3. Customer: User can add the customer name to calculation or it can be initial or customer code, it also depends on user’s need how they want to use this information
  4. Container: Here user needs to select any specific type of container for this calculation.
  5. Dimensions: The dimension of selected container from standard data available
  6. Volume: Total volume available in selected container to be filled
  7. Used Volume: volume percentage of products inside the selected container. Or simply the percentage of container filled
  8. Weight: Total weight available in selected container to be filled
  9. Used Weight: weight percentage of products inside the selected container. Or simply like volume it is also percentage of container filled by weight.
  10. Add Products: By clicking on this button a detail window will open to add following information
    • Product: Product Code or Number [Product Identification]
    • Description: Product’s Details or Description
    • Total Quantity: Total quantity of product needs to be add for the calculation
    • Quantity/Pack: Packing quantity of product
    • Dimension in: select the appropriate unit to add the dimension of package. It can be Feet, Inch, Meter, Centimetre, or Millimetre
    • Length: Length of the package
    • Breadth: Breadth of the package
    • Height: Height of the package
    • Product Weight: select the unit of product weight it can be in Kg / Gm and enter the weight of single or unit product
    • Packing Weight: select the unit of empty product package weight it can be in Kg / Gm and enter the empty package weight. It will be used in Gross Weight Calculation of shipment container
    • Update: Click on update link to add the product to the calculation.

Multiple Shipping Container Loading Calculator


Multiple shipping container loading program helps user to get the best fit container for mixed cargo shipment. In this program user just need to add product details like Quantity, Dimensions and weight and it shows the best fit shipping container with used weight and volume percentage or occupied weight and volume. Shipping container loading calculator program shows the appropriate the shipping container while user is adding the product one by one. It have following shipment container data which are as follows:

  • Standard 20 Feet Container
  • Standard 40 Feet Container
  • High Cube 40 Feet Container
  • Upgraded 20 Feet Container
  • Reefer 20 Feet Container
  • Reefer 40 FT Feet Container
  • Reefer 40 FT High Cube Feet Container

In the product details section of container loading calculator user can add several product and they can be of different dimensions or details like Weight, Volume, & Pack Quantity. For products you can add following details:

  • Product
  • Description
  • Total Quantity
  • Quantity/Pack
  • Dimensions In : Inch, Feet, Meter, Cm, Mm
  • Length
  • Breadth
  • Height
  • Product Weight
  • Empty Packing Weight

This program gradually changes the shipping container while user is adding products. The calculation of occupied weight and volume inside a shipping container is shown to user. And it can have multiple shipping containers for mixed cargo shipment.

How to use multiple shipping container loading calculator?

  • Calculation #: It is the specific number you can give to the calculation. For example you can use 1 for your very first calculation.
  • Calculation Date: By default it is the current date, but user can change it as per the requirement
  • Container Type: User have to select the type of shipping container it can be Dry/Refrigerated
  • Customer: User can add the customer name to calculation or it can be initial or customer code, it also depends on user’s need how they want to use this information
  • Product Details: User needs to add products and the details are as follows
  • Product: Product Code or Number [Product Identification]
  • Description: Product’s Details or Description
  • Total Quantity: Total quantity of product needs to be add for the calculation
  • Quantity/Pack: Packing quantity of product
  • Dimension in: select the appropriate unit to add the dimension of package. It can be Feet, Inch, Meter, Centimetre, or Millimetre
  • Length: Length of the package
  • Breadth: Breadth of the package
  • Height: Height of the package
  • Product Weight: select the unit of product weight it can be in Kg / Gm and enter the weight of single or unit product
  • Packing Weight: select the unit of empty product package weight it can be in Kg / Gm and enter the empty package weight. It will be used in Gross Weight Calculation of shipment container
  • Update: Click on update link to add the product to the calculation.
  • Container Details:
  • Container Number: Serial number of shipping container
  • Container : Type of the container, it will be one of the following in case user had selected Dry type of shipping container then they can be:
  • Standard 20 Feet Container
  • Standard 40 Feet Container
  • High Cube 40 Feet Container
  • Upgraded 20 Feet ContainerAnd in case of Refrigerated then:
  • Reefer 20 Feet Container
  • Reefer 40 FT Feet Container
  • Reefer 40 FT High Cube Feet ContainerContainer Weight: it is the standard weight allowed in shipping container
    Container Volume: it is the standard volume allowed in shipping container
    Used Weight: It is the total weight occupied by products
    Used Volume: It is the total volume occupied by products
    Weight %: it is the percentage of space filled in container by weight of products
    Volume %: It is the percentage of space filled in container by volume of products