Rice is a staple food for many cultures around the world, and it comes in different varieties, with short and long grain rice being two of the most common. Here are the specifications for both types:

Short Grain Rice

  • Grain Length: Typically less than 5.5 millimeters.
  • Shape: Short, plump, and almost round.
  • Texture: Sticky and clumps together when cooked, making it ideal for dishes where a creamy or sticky consistency is desired, such as sushi, risotto, and rice puddings.
  • Common Varieties: Arborio, Sushi rice, Bomba, and Calrose.
  • Amylose Content: Lower amylose content (10-20%), contributing to its sticky texture.
  • Water Absorption: High water absorption, which leads to a softer, stickier texture.
  • Aroma and Flavor: Generally mild, though some varieties like sushi rice have a slightly sweet flavor.

Long Grain Rice

  • Grain Length: Typically more than 6 millimeters.
  • Shape: Long and slender.
  • Texture: Light, fluffy, and separate when cooked, making it ideal for dishes where distinct grains are preferred, such as pilafs, fried rice, and as a side dish.
  • Common Varieties: Basmati, Jasmine, American long grain, and Thai long grain rice.
  • Amylose Content: Higher amylose content (20-28%), contributing to its firm and separate grains.
  • Water Absorption: Lower water absorption compared to short grain rice, which helps it maintain a non-sticky texture.
  • Aroma and Flavor: Can vary significantly; for instance, Basmati rice has a fragrant, nutty aroma, while Jasmine rice has a floral aroma.

Usage and Cooking Tips

  • Short Grain Rice: Rinse thoroughly before cooking to remove excess starch and achieve a desirable sticky texture. Often cooked with slightly less water than long grain varieties.
  • Long Grain Rice: Rinse to remove surface starch for fluffier grains. Typically cooked with a higher water-to-rice ratio (e.g., 1.5 to 2 parts water to 1 part rice).

Understanding these specifications can help in choosing the right type of rice for your culinary needs, ensuring the desired texture and flavor in your dishes.

### Sona Masoori Rice Specification
**Color:** White
**Moisture:** Below 14%
**Damaged Kernels:** 2% Max
**Crop Year:** Current Year
**Free From:** Infestation, fungus, dyes, and coloring chemicals
**Broken Ratio:** 5% Max
**Sortex:** 100%
**Red and Red Streaked:** 1% Max
**Yellow Kernel:** 2% Max
**Chalky Grain:** 3% Max
**Average Grain Length (AGL):** 5 mm
### Parboiled Rice Specification
**Broken Grains:** 5% Max
**Whole Grains:** 95%
**Moisture:** 14% Max
**Color Sorting:** 100%
**Average Grain Length:** 5.8 mm
**Discolored Grains:** 1% Max
**Damaged Grains:** 1% Max
**Admixture:** 3% Max
**Red Streak Grains:** 1% Max
**Black Grains/Pecks:** 0.5% Max
**Yellow Grains:** 1% Max
**Foreign Matter:** 0.5% Max
**Paddy:** 5 Grains Per 100cc
**Milling:** Well Milled, Double Polish, Silky Sortex
### Long Grain Parboiled Rice 5% Broken Specification
**Moisture:** Max 14%
**Broken (2/3 basis):** Max 5%
**Damaged/Discolored/Red/Yellow Kernels:** Max 1.50%
**Average Length of Grain:** Min 5.8 mm
**Foreign Matter:** Max 0.5%
**Yellow Kernels:** Max 0.5%
**Red and Streaked Kernels:** Max 0.5%
**Milling Degree:** Well Milled
**Crop Year:** Current
**Packing:** Customary packaging with private labels, as per client’s requirement
### Long Grain White Rice 25% Broken Specification
**Broken:** 25% Max [Basis 3/4]
**Moisture:** 14% Max
**Damaged/Discolor:** 4% Max
**Yellow Kernels:** 2% Max
**Red and Streaked:** 1% Max
**Chalky Grain:** 7% Max
**Paddy per Kg:** 30 Grains Max
**Milling Degree:** Regular
**Foreign Matter:** 0.5% Max
**Average Length of Grain:** 5.80 mm Minimum
**Crop Year:** Current
**Packing:** Customary packaging with private labels, as per client’s requirement
### 100% Broken Rice – Parboiled Rice
#### 100% Broken Parboiled Rice (Non Sortexed)
**Moisture:** 14% Maximum
**Red Grains:** 1.00% Maximum
**Black Grains:** 0.10% Maximum
**Stained and Bored Grains:** 3.00% Maximum
**Injured and Damaged Grains:** 0.40% Maximum
**General Defects Aggregated:** 4.50% Maximum
**1/2 Grains:** 56% Maximum
**1/2 to 3/4 Grains:** 43% Minimum
**Very Small Broken:** 1.50% Maximum
**Whole Grains:** 1% Minimum
**Non-Gelatinized Grains:** 30% Maximum
**Foreign Matters:** 0.1% Maximum
**Paddy:** 5 Grains per Kilogram
**Crop Year:** Current
#### 100% Broken Parboiled Rice (Sortexed)
**Moisture:** 14% Max
**Broken up to 1.50 mm:** 15% Max
**Broken above 1.50 mm:** 80% Min
**Damaged/Discolored/Red/Red Streaked/Yellow:** 2.5% Max
**Black/Black Tip:** 0.5% Max
**Foreign Matter including Paddy:** 0.25% Max
**Milling Degree:** Well Milled
**Crop Year:** Current
### 100% Broken White Rice
#### 100% Broken Raw White Rice (Non Sortexed)
**Moisture:** 13% Maximum
**Stained and Chopped Grains:** 1.5% Maximum
**Red Grains:** 1.5% Maximum
**Damaged Grains:** 0.5% Maximum
**General Defects Aggregated:** 3.5% Maximum
**Chalky Grains:** 4% Maximum
**Yellow Grains:** 2% Maximum
**Black Grains:** 3 Grains per kg
**1/4 Grains:** 70% Maximum
**1/2 Grains:** 30% Minimum
**Very Small Broken:** 0.9% Maximum
**Foreign Matters:** 0.1% Maximum
**Free From:** Live insects, foreign smell
**Crop Year:** Current
#### Indian Raw White Rice 100% Broken, Double Polished (Sortexed)
**Moisture:** 14% Max
**Small Broken Of Less Than 1.25 mm:** 10% Max
**Broken Of Above 1.25 mm:** 85% Min
**Whole Kernels:** 5% Max
**Chalky Grains:** 5% – 6% Max
**Damaged/Discolored/Yellow/Red/Red Streaked:** 1.5% Max
**Foreign Matter Including Paddy:** 0.20% Max
**Milling Degree:** Reasonably Well Milled
**Whiteness/Polish Degree On Kett:** 40 Degree Min
**Crop Year:** Current
For more information on our rice products, or to place an order, please contact us. We provide high-quality, well-milled rice tailored to your needs, ensuring satisfaction with every grain.
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